Our solution

Powered by Algorand, the world’s most powerful and sustainable blockchain.

Algorand is an institutional grade blockchain infrastructure wich is the first and only to achieve decentralization, scalability, and security without compromises and while being environmentally sustainable.

Please refer to https://algorand.com for more information.

Perpetual3 provides decentralized, immutable and perpetual file storage.

The following methods are used to reach the goal of perpetual storage.

Data agnostic structure

Your files will be divided in multiple transactions and submitted to the Algorand blockchain, this ensures censorship resistant data storage because there is no way for block validators to filter or censor the content of transactions data.

General purpose blockchain

Relying on a general purpose blockchain like Algorand ensures that data is kept stored on chain not only for file storage but for the whole integrity of the blockchain, this ensures that node validators are always incentivized by the network. Algorand has already proven to be the most secure and decentralized blockchain on the market that is why we choose them in addition to other aspects.

Data persistence and availability

All your file data is maintained by the whole Algorand blockchain and is made available by Indexer nodes, which provides an additional layer of decentralization.

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