🛍️ Web3 Store

In Perpetual3, all store-related data - including business details, terms of service, product listings, and accepted payment methods - are published and stored on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

We choose IPFS due to its distributed and peer-to-peer nature.

Perpetual3 utilizes the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to store all merchant-related data securely. This includes vital information such as business details, terms of service, product listings, accepted payment methods, and more. The IPFS directory is managed by our dedicated IPFS node.

One important characteristic to note is that all data, before being published on IPFS, is always signed by the merchant's ed25519 public key. This practice ensures that the integrity of data is maintained, and the source can be verified, adding an extra layer of security and trust in the system.

Currently, the use of our own IPFS node introduces a centralized point in the process. However, we acknowledge this issue and have plans to rectify it in the future. Our goal is to improve our system by storing the Content Identifiers (CIDs) on-chain, which will result in a more decentralized and robust system.

Perpetual3 embraces a storage-agnostic approach. This means that while we currently use IPFS for data storage, our system is designed to be flexible and adaptable to other data storage systems. This feature allows us to stay current with advancements in technology and ensures that our system remains robust and efficient.

Last updated